Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam (Rural)

Jal Jeevan Mission's primary output is to provide all rural households with a Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) by 2024. In parallel, the Mission also strives to achieve 4 key measurable outcomes such as improved health conditions of rural communities; reduction in drudgery faced by women and girls and empowerment of women, reduced school dropout rates of upper primary level girls; and increase in employment opportunities for rural communities. Such an approach would ensure socio-economic wellbeing of rural households.

Jal Jeevan Mission is a time-bound mission-mode programme and needs robust institutional framework for its successful implementation to achieve the stated goal. Hence, a four-tier institutional mechanism is to be set up at National, State, District and Village level.

Post-independence at the time of launch of India's planned development, the Environmental Hygiene Committee recommended a programme to provide safe water.

  • Shri Anurag Srivastava

    Shri Anurag Srivastava, IAS

    Chairman Jal Nigam (Rural),
    Uttar Pradesh

  • Shri Swatantra Dev Singh

    Dr. Raj Shekhar, IAS

    MD, Jal Nigam (Rural),
    Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam (Rural)

In 1986, the National Drinking Water Mission (NDWM), popularly known as the Technology Mission was launched in order to provide scientific input and cost effective technological solutions to address water scarcity.

In the Eighth Plan (1992-97), Sub-missions for tackling quality problem i.e., habitations suffering from excess Arsenic, Fluoride, Iron, salinity, scarcity of water sources, and requiring sustainability of the sources & the systems, were taken up.

In 1999-2000, decentralized, demand-driven, community-managed sector reforms were undertaken involving Gram Panchayats/ local community in planning, implementation and management of drinking water schemes. This was later scaled up as Swajaldhara in 2002 and was implemented till 2007-08.

GOs & Circulars
  • Government Orders Size: 243 KB | Language: English

    Updated on : 29/04/2024

  • Circulars Size: 243 KB | Language: English

    Updated on : 29/04/2024

  • Coffee Table Book Size: 243 KB | Language: English

    Updated on : 20/04/2024

  • E- Book Size: 243 KB | Language: English

    Updated on : 22/04/2024

  • JJM Booklet Size: 243 KB | Language: English

    Updated on : 29/04/2024

News & Events
  • News & Events Size: 951 | Language: English

    Updated on : 11/03/2021